Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Healthy Vanilla Ice Cream

So a couple days ago I had one of those not so good days, where I usually cave to any temptation that comes my way especially ice cream (my one true weakness). I was offered ice cream 3 different times and I was sooo surprised that I didn't want it because on days like that is where calories and junk food don't count!
For the past month and a half I have had "white" sugar once or twice, it was definitely hard and I had such a hard time when anyone ate ice cream in front of me especially the king kong cones!

It's true I use to eat those! UGH! But let me tell you, I now feel amazing and don't even crave it anymore! I was so addicted to sugar and I hated the way it made me feel. So being off sugar made the once beloved ice cream not so appetizing with all it's artificial, sugary ingredients!

I still love ice cream though, don't get be wrong just not all the overly processed ones like I use too. So here is an ice cream I can have on bad days or good days and feel guilt free about eating it, knowing that it is not creating havoc in my body. And it is oh so delicious & healthy for you!

Healthy Vanilla Ice Cream
1 can of coconut milk
1 cup milk (I used so delicious vanilla sugar free coconut milk)
1/4 cup agave*
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/8 teaspoon salt

Mix all ingredients together, chill, & put into ice cream maker and use according to manufacture's directions. (while the ice cream was churning in the machine, my little boy kept hovering over, mmm that smells yummy!)
Serves: 6 (1/2 cup) servings

 Serve plain, with fruit, healthy chocolate syrup, or any toppings you want. If you freeze it, you will need to let it thaw before eating it again.

*You can substitute for any sweetener you want. You can probably reduce the calories by doing half stevia half agave.

Health Tip:
Never thought you could lose weight with ice cream?! Now you can due to the benefits of the fabulous coconut! (In moderation of course!)
Coconut promotes loss of excess weight by increasing metabolic rate. 
 Check out more coconut benefits: .
When Fat is Good For You!

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